Otros proyectos

cinemaway titol

The title Cinemaway covers an annual series of lectures, a video essay competition and an exhibition that examine the presence of public works in cinema.
The Cinemaway title is taken from one of the companies that brought the simulated train ride experience to Spain around 1909, which had been seen at the Exposition Universelle in Paris (1900) and, especially, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904) with the Hale’s Tours experience. The word Cinemaway aims both to create a route, a ‘way’ to approach the theme covered by the subtitle, which changes every year, and to invite the audience or visitors to be swept ‘away’ for a pleasant cinematic experience.


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Consciously or unconsciously, the cinema has witnessed and imagined the development of urban mobility and its impact on physical space, be it historical (retrospective, present and future) or fictional, providing an incomparable framework for reflection on "Moving in space, move in time". In this line of analysis, the second edition of “Cinemaway” appears.

Competition rules (in spanish)


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From the very beginning of cinema, there has been a close relationship between this art and trains, both of which were seen as an expression of modernity. For this reason, the theme for this first edition is ‘El tren en el cine’, or ‘Trains at the cinema’. The event is part of the ‘Mediterranean Corridor’ project, organised by the Valencian Ministry of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Planning.

Complete program


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Ciclo de cine
«Protagonista el tren, 30 años después»
Del 6 al 11 de noviembre en Filmoteca Valenciana.
Ver programa en IVAC

Ciclo de conferencias
«El tren en el cine»
Del 6 al 8 de noviembre en Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia.
Ver programa en Ateneo

«Carteles y raíles»
Del 5 al 11 de noviembre en Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia.
Del 13 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre en Estación del Norte.
Ver más información

Concurso de video-ensayo
El plazo de presentación finaliza el 30 de septiembre de 2018.
Bases concurso


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From the very beginning of cinema, there has been a close relationship between this art and trains, both of which were seen as an expression of modernity. In fact, the second film made by the Lumière brothers was L’arrivée d’un train en Gare de la Ciotat (1896).
This first edition explores the theme indicated by the subtitle: ‘Trains at the cinema’. The event is part of the ‘Mediterranean Corridor’ project, organised by the Valencian Ministry of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Planning, and includes a series of lectures, a series of films, a video essay competition and an exhibition.



See full details

The exhibition, entitled ‘Carteles y raíles’, or ‘Posters and rails’, displays film posters where trains play a leading role. It provides a journey through time that demonstrates the evolution of railway’s representation across various cinematic genres.
The exhibition will take place at the Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia from 5 to 11 November 2018 and at the Estación del Norte from 13 November to 2 December.

See exhibition online 3D:

carteles railes 3d

Instructions: computer  |  mobile

First video essay competition

The first edition of the video essay competition has been announced, which, this year, will look at the representation of trains in cinema. The rules for the competition can be found at this link.
The winning pieces will be shown at the events organised as part of this project

Film series

See programme at IVAC

A series of lectures will be held by experts on the subject and will be accompanied by screenings of films involving public works at the Filmoteca Valenciana.

6 November
20:00 h. Silent film programme
Llegada del tren a la estación (L'arrivé d'un train à la gare de la Ciotat). Louis y Auguste Lumière. Francia, 1895. 1'
Asalto y robo de un tren (The great train robbery). Edward S. Porter. USA, 1903. 12'
El maquinista de la General (The General). Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman. USA, 1926. 74'

8  November
20:00 h. Trenes rigurosamente vigilados (Ostre Sledované Vlaky). Jiri Menzel. Checoslovaquia, 1966. 93' (Presenta Dr. Carlos Losilla)

9 November
18:00 h. Segundo pase del programa de cine mudo.
20:00 h. Extraños en un tren (Strangers on a train). Alfred Hitchcock. USA. 1951. 101'

10 November
18:00 h. Trenes rigurosamente vigilados (Ostre Sledované Vlaky). Jiri Menzel. Checoslovaquia, 1966. 93'

11 November
18:00 h. Extraños en un tren (Strangers on a train). Alfred Hitchcock. USA. 1951. 101'

Lecture series

See programme at Ateneo

6 November
18:00 h. Presentation of the series by Cátedra Demetrio Ribes and Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia
18:30 h. «La llegada del tren a la estación de cine: melancolía, suspense y velocidad»
Áurea Ortiz (Universitat de València)

7 November
18:30 h. «Vuelve el tren a la Filmoteca, 30 años después»
José Antonio Hurtado (Jefe de programación de la Filmoteca de l'Institut Valencià de Cultura)
19:00 h. «Vehículo del humor: el tren en el cine cómico»
Dr. Carlos Cuéllar (Universitat de València)

8 November
18:30 h. «El tren, metáfora en el cine»
Dr. Carlos Losilla (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Following the lecture: Screening of the winning entries to the video essay competition and award-giving


Monographic websites

The Cátedra Demetrio Ribes centre has worked on various projects to raise awareness of Valencia’s public works heritage that have been exhibited through small monographic websites with an enormous wealth of documents, audiovisual resources and educational materials.

150 years of the Alicante-Madrid railway

Website created to commemorate and represent the 150th anniversary of the arrival of railway to Alicante through various themes relating to the event.

logo 150anys

Transport Museum

Website for the Virtual Transport and Territory Museum with a range of multimedia content that provides information on the most interesting aspects of the history of engineering.

logo museutrans

100 years of aviation

Website created to mark the centenary of the first motor-powered flight in Spain, which took place in 1909. The website presents Valencia’s aeronautical history and tradition.


Other projects

Beyond its many publications and exhibitions, the Cátedra creates and organises other activities and materials to raise awareness of Valencia’s rich heritage of public works and transport among society. This section displays just some of these resources.

They are created exclusively to complement their respective projects. Their purpose is to make our work more accessible to the public in a quick, simple way, through basic, everyday interactive and technological materials.



More Articles ...

  1. Themed maps
Journeys through public works

One of the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes research centre’s most solid commitments is to raise awareness of the most iconic Valencian infrastructures among the public. And what better way to do so than going straight to the sites themselves? This was how the ‘Journeys through public works’ were born. Through this dynamic activity, experts on the subject impart their knowledge from an educational yet entertaining perspective.

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