Obra pública y modernidad

LUJÁN DÍAZ, Alfonso, Obra pública y modernidad. Primeras aplicaciones del hierro en los puentes españoles (1815-1846), Valencia, Conselleria d'Habitatge, Obres Públiques i Vertebració del Territori, 2015.

ISBN: 978-84-482-6060-6

The publication of the book Obra pública y modernidad. Primeras aplicaciones del hierro en los puentes españoles (1815–1846), by Alfonso Luján Díaz, is the result of the June 2014 resolution to award the tenth edition of the Demetrio Ribes Prize for Research. In the text, the author reflects on the idea of modernity represented by the emergence of iron as a new construction material and its application in bridges for new roads in the nineteenth century. This new publication from the Cátedra offers a unique perspective of the level of modernity achieved in the 1830s and an analysis of the first uses of iron in Spanish bridges.


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